Thursday, April 17, 2008

New California Laws for 2008

1. Bicycle riders must have some sort of illumination devices while riding on a highway, street or sidewalk at night.
2. Smoking will not be allowed in any vehicle if minor children are inside. This applies whether the vehicle is moving or parked.
3. The California minimum wage will increase 50 cents to $8.00 per hour--one of the highest in the country.
4.A new law will allow consumers to redeem gift cards with balances of less than $10.00 for cash.
5. Cities and counties will now be required to designate areas where homeless shelters can be constructed without the requirement to obtain a conditonal use permit.
6. Courts will now be able to require parents or guardian of gang members to attend parenting classes.
7. Cites and counties will no longer be allowed to require landlords to verify the citizenship of their tenants.
8, Beginning July 1, California will prohibit drivers from using wireless telephones without a hands-free device while driving . A separate law prohibits all drivers under age 18 from using a cell phone even with a hands free device.

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